Much like many others, lots of road experience....but a complete noob when it comes to off road riding. Got my self a Suzuki DRZ400SM a few months back and love it. In the process of converting it to off road trim...pick wheels up next weekend!
The plan is to maybe tag along on a novice ride out in the next month or two..then if all is well join the DTRF + TVTR and get to know all those lovely legal trails around!
Saw some vids on youtube by Kwaka Geoff and it inspired me to explore this great part of the country we're in! :D
hi mossy, welcome to the TVTR, welcome to come out on any of my tamar valley rides, all pretty novice freindly, maybe not always advertised as last minute sort of thing like yesterday we went for a bimble on the border run, PM me your number if you fancy it, cheers, kev
You would be very welcome to come to the meeting this Thursday, should be an interesting one with Fixer speaking. will give you an opportunity to meet others and get yourself on a few ride outs.
Thanks Kev and Chris. Can't make the meeting i'm afraid, but when my bike is ready for dirt riding (hopefully by this weekend) then i'll definately be interested in tagging along to show you guys how many times someone can ditch their bike in one ride :D