I have to make a statement that I hate everything to do with football. I find it tedious and generally I cannot understand why a group of deliquents get paid so much money for kicking a ball about....however....
I believe you should always try something once so I'm getting myself all prepared to watch a football match....NO, this is not a hoax. I realise that several million people cannot be wrong and I've always felt that an ages old sport could be given a new twist to make it interesting...
I read about this football game HERE and then I did further research HERE...I may have to watch with the sound turned down though.
I personally can't wait for it to come to the UK where I could become a season ticket holder such is my passion for this spectator sport.
The fact that I wear glasses must mean I could be a prime candidate for the job of referee...unfortunately I'd probably need to take them off to qualify and that might just spoil my enjoyment.
So which team would you support?
I do know where I'm going, but the track it will decide, It's not the destination, It's the glory of the ride!